Guidance for Consent Holders on the identification of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) in the Maritime Area

The detection of Unexploded Ordnance is a maritime safety issue and falls under the remit of the Irish Coast Guard (IRCG).

MARA has no responsibility for the management of UXO in the maritime area but must be notified if UXO is identified.

If UXO is identified, you must contact An Garda Síochána on 999/112 and you will be connected to the Regional Control Centre where you must report the location and all other relevant details. The designated Superintendent of An Garda Síochána will then complete a C70 form and submit to the relevant department. A C70 form is a request from An Garda Síochána to request military assistance be provided to aid civil power such as UXO.

The Naval Service Dive Section are responsible for dealing with any UXO within Irish Territorial waters. The Naval Service Dive Section are under the direction of Director of Operations in the Defence Force HQ and will only deploy on receipt of a C70 from An Garda Síochána.