Publication Scheme for MARA
Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act, 2014 requires FOI bodies to prepare and publish as much information as possible in an open and accessible manner on a routine basis outside of FOI, having regard to the principles of openness, transparency and accountability as set out in Sections 8(5) and 11(3) of the Act. This allows for the publication or giving of records outside of FOI provided that such publication or giving of access is not prohibited by law. The scheme commits FOI bodies to make information available as part of their normal business activities in accordance with this scheme.
The MARA has prepared its FOI publication scheme in accordance with the FOI Act 2014 and it is published below. Each link in the scheme leads to a page comprising relevant information in the category or links to relevant information on the MARA website. If the information you require cannot be found here, you may wish to conduct a search on the MARA website, or to contact the MARA.
If the information is not currently made publicly available by the MARA, you may consider making a freedom of information request.
Who we are and what do we do?
- Maidir Linne
- Organisational Structure

- Governance and Management: Board Members Management Team
What services do we offer?
- Assessing Maritime Area Consent (MAC) applications for the maritime area, which are required by developers before development permission can be granted: Applying for a Maritime Area Consent
- Granting Marine Licencing for specified activities: Licencing of Maritime Usages
- Compliance and enforcement of MACs, licences and offshore development consents
- Investigations and prosecutions
- Administration of the existing Foreshore consent portfolio: Foreshore Notices
- Fostering promoting co-operation between regulators of the maritime area
- Fees: Levy Framework Licence Process Guidance
How we spend?
Public Procurement
Public procurement is the purchase of works, supplies and services by public bodies. It ranges from the purchase of routine supplies or services to formal tendering and placing contracts for large infrastructural projects.
Key Principles
A key principle of public procurement is that it is carried out honestly, fairly, and in line with procurement legislation and best practice. All procurement carried out by public bodies are subject to audits by the Comptroller and Auditor General.
Value of Supplies or Services Procurement Processes
Less than €5,000 – May be purchased based on verbal quotes from one or more competitive suppliers.
Between €5,000 and €50,000 – May be purchased based on three written quotes from three or more competitive suppliers.
Between €50,000 and EU tendering threshold* – Must be purchased by a full tender process.
Greater than EU tendering threshold* – Must be purchased by a full tender process
*Tender documents are produced and published on the eTenders website.
Details of all current MARA tenders are available on eTenders website.